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NEW TAP SHIRTS! For our 20th anniversary, we got some sweet new T-shirts of our classics, HaverAle, Whittier White and Leather Lips, as well as a 'Cheers to 20 Years' T-shirt available to purchase right here at the Tap! Be sure to pick one up at our birthday bash this weekend! Only $20 each!
*special thanks to my incredible models!
#swag #newmerch #haverAle #whittierwhite #leatherlips #beerisbornhere #20thanniversary #cheersto20years #shoplocal #newTshirts #haverhill #tapbrewingcompany #thetapbrewingcompany

Celebrate our 20th Birthday Bash with us this Saturday! Live music starts at 1pm featuring Something Else. Words from the Mayor. Cornhole. CAKE!! BEER!!! Come party with us!
#20thbirthday #20thanniversary #since2003 #beerisbornhere #youreinvited #birthdayparty #livemusic #haverhill #cheersto20years #20yearsofgreatbeers #beerisbornhere #tapbrewingcompany

WHITTIER WHITE IS BACK ON TAP! Our classic Belgian wit made with orange peel, coriander and grains of paradise. Fermented with Belgian yeast which brings out the citrus fruitiness. Refreshing Tap patrons since 2003!
#itsback! #ondraftnow #whittierwhite #belgianwit #witbier #beerisbornhere #since2003 #craftbeer #drinklocal #haverhill #tapbrewingcompany

The Tap is looking for daytime food-runner & host! Come into apply!
#nowhiring #daytime #comeintoapply #host #foodrunner #summerhelp #tapbrewingcompany

Show your mom or mother-like figure how much you love them with one of our tasty Mother's Day Specials this weekend! Moms get half off any Mother's Day specials Saturday & Sunday.
#momlove #happymothersday #specials #halfoffformom #tapbrewingcompany

It's canning day!! Fresh cans of Solar Plexus and Deck Juice ready for your mouth, Get’em to go here at The Tap!
#canningday #solarplexus #dipa #doubleipa #deckjuice #mangopassionfruit #wheatlager #craftbeer #inthecan #beerisbornhere #drinklocal #haverhill #hopsforyourcenter #tapbrewingcompany @ironheartcanning @cansourceco

It’s canning day! Deck juice getting it’s tops on.
#canningday #deckjuice #mangopassionfruit #wheatlager #cans #grabthesecans #nicecans #beerisbornhere #tapbrewingcompany @ironheartcanning

10 days away! Join us for The Tap's 20th birthday extravaganza all weekend long May 20th & 21st!
Saturday, we'll be partying like its 2003 with free live music and games on the back deck!
and we're having a Pig Roast Sunday.(sorry, tickets sold out)
Mark your calendars, don't miss out on all the fun!
#20thbirthday #20thaniversary #since2003 #beerisbornhere #youreinvited #pigroast #birthdayparty #livemusic #haverhill #cheersto20years #20yearsofgreatbeers #tapbrewingcompany

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Our chef and bartenders whipped up the perfect specials to celebrate!! Come try them out.
Smoked Hibiscus Margarita- Avion tequila, Cointreau, fresh squeezed lemon and lime, hibiscus simple syrup, smoked with a salt/sugar rim
Chorizo Tostada- Housemade chorizo, charred pineapple, pineapple black bean paste, salsa verde, chipotle crema, cotija cheese, crunchy corn tortilla
Blackened Shrimp Tacos- Blackened shrimp, salsa verde, vinegar cabbage, cotija cheese
The Torta- Pulled pork, pineapple black bean paste, shrettuce, chipotle crema, pickled onions, Potato Stixx, cilantro, served with fries
#hibiscusmargarita #torta #blackenedshrimptacos #tostada #cincodemayo #weekendspecials #tapbrewingcompany

Tonight at 7pm, Musical Bingo at The Tap! Bring your friends and love for music for your chance to win!
#musicalbingo #goodthomas #tonightat7pm #freetoplay #prizes #tapbrewingcompany

Wow! It’s official, our 20th Anniversary Pig Roast is SOLD OUT! Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets, can't wait to see you there!
#soldout #20thbirthday #20thanniversary #since2003 #beerisbornhere #youreinvited #pigroast #birthdayparty #SwineAndDine #haverhill #cheersto20years #20yearsofgreatbeers #tapbrewingcompany